The Housing Forum has responded to the Government’s consultation on locally-led Development Corporations
Our local authority members are keen to deliver more housing, especially new affordable homes. We believe that a variety of delivery models can be suited to achieving this. Development Corporations can be particularly useful when there is greenbelt land being released, where there are multiple land owners, and where more than one local authority needs to work together to bring sites forward. A Development Corporation can support delivery through providing dedicated leadership and focus, providing continuity over a long period of time including when local authorities can see a change in political control.
The Housing Forum responds to the Government’s consultation on Accelerated Planning.
The Housing Forum has responded to the Government's consultation on Accelerated Planning, supporting the principle of a faster and more predictable planning system, but expressing reservations about fairness and a lack of inclusion of residential applications.
Housing Forum responds to the Future Homes Standard Consultation
The Housing Forum has responded on behalf of our members to the Government's Future Homes Standard consultation. Our response includes two documents, a response to the full consultation, and a response to the specific consultation on replacing the SAP methodology.
Housing Forum responds to DLUHC on planning policy on brownfield sites
The Department for Levelling Up, Communities and Housing recently requested input into a consultation on strengthening policy on brownfield land. The Housing Forum welcomes this consultation, and suggests some practical ways in which planning policy for brownfield sites could be strengthened.
APPG inquiry into council housing – evidence from The Housing Forum
The APPG for Council Housing’s inquiry launched July 2023, due to a widespread sense of agreement of council housing’s importance, but a perception of a lack of move to free up the necessary funding. The final report will come out Spring 2024 with launches in Parliament and around the country.
Housing Forum response to CMA consultation on planning
The Housing Forum has responded to the Competition and Market Authority’s working paper on housebuilding and planning.
The Housing Forum has responded to the Government’s consultation on the way in which local authorities make Local Plans. Our membership base across the entire of the housing sector sees the benefit of Local Plans and we support the Government’s efforts to make the plan-making process simpler and faster. The move to greater standardisation where practical is welcomed.
Older People’s Housing Taskforce | Call for evidence
The Housing Forum has contributed to the Older People’s Housing Taskforce’s call for evidence. Older people’s housing has been a significant focus for us and our members, most notably via our recent publication Older and Wiser: A practical guide for developing, commissioning and operating age-friendly homes
Developer Contribution Inquiry
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Planning launched an inquiry into England’s developer contributions systems. The APPG sought evidence about the Government’s proposed Infrastructure Levy and explored proposals to improve existing Section 106 (S106) and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) mechanisms. The inquiry aims to recommend improvements to our planning system. 

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#THFEvent | THE VALUE OF DIVERSITY IN DESIGN AND DELIVERY @thehousingforum are looking forward to this on-site event tomorrow at @MeridianWater Building Bloqs, @EnfieldCouncil hosted by @Countryside_PS.

This event will explore the value of #diversity in #design and delivery…

The Housing Forum

@thehousingforum |

#THFEvent | THE VALUE OF DIVERSITY IN DESIGN AND DELIVERY @thehousingforum are looking forward to this on-site event tomorrow at Meridian Water Building Bloqs, LB Enfield hosted by @Countryside_PS .

This event will explore the value of #diversity in #design and delivery by…

The Housing Forum

@thehousingforum |

We have responded today to the Government’s consultation on planning fees. We welcome the proposals to increase fees though it is vital that the fee increase results in improved performance and speed of planning decisions in order to help bring forward much-needed new housing.

The Housing Forum

@thehousingforum |

We’ll be tuning in to this later today. Hoping to see the Government listening carefully to the concerns of the housing sector about the recent changes to planning rules.

We need ways to protect nature that don’t involving grinding housebuilding to a halt.