What is happening with council’s home building programmes and how are they coming out of coronavirus restrictions?

This webinar was the initiative of The Housing Forums newly established Local Council Advisory Group and Councils Network. Councils across England were strongly represented with some 130 webinar delegates. There was wide appreciation of the content and a follow up Councils Housing autumn conference is planned on September 17. Local Authority membership is growing and you can read more about our Councils Network here.

Conference Chair, John East, set the scene given recent government announcements on trying to get house sales moving. Decline in sales is inevitable with some saying to expect a fall in house prices of between 5-13% in the next year.

The event considered what measures councils will have to take to encourage the safe return to work and how council housebuilding will be part of a refreshed strategy.

Featured image: Goldsmith Street, Norwich City Council and Mikhail Riches

John East, recent acting Chief Executive

Housing Forum Board Member and Wycombe District Council

Steve Partridge, Director, Housing Consultancy


Richard Walford, Patner

Foot Anstey

Bindu Arjoon, Director

Exeter City Council

Phil Brundrett, Strategic Manager Housing Development & Regeneration

Stoke City Council

Andrew Gentry, Director


Susan Emmett, Head of Market Engagement

Homes England

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