Asset Strategy Forums Topics focus on
- Reforming strategic housing asset management through the building regulation system, fire safety and energy efficiency
- Specific case studies examining the respective roles and responsibilities of client, contractor and advisors
- Strategic procurement for Social Value
2.00 Registration, Networking over tea and coffee
2.15 Operational Expenditure (OPEX) Considerations for High Quality Asset Investment
Neal Curtis, Partner, Arcadis, and Darragh Hurley, Managing Director, Mount Anvil
Data collected across many large housing associations on maintenance costs is projecting that the gap between operational costs and annual rental growth over the asset life cycle will be above 5% when overlaid with impending changes arising from Part L and net zero carbon
Implications and approaches will be discussed.
2.45 Q & A
2.55 Break
3.10 Update on ESG
Nicola Dibb, Director, Nicola Dibb Associates
3.25 Decarbonisation at Scale for Housing Stock
Alice Monty, Decarbonisation & Energy Solutions Manager, Equans
3.50 The Net Zero Toolkit: How to implement contractual drafting for Net Zero outcomes for projects and schemes
Suriya Edwards, Managing Associate, Foot Anstey LLP and The Chancery Lane Project
4.15 Q & A
4.30 Concludes
Asset Strategy Series Sponsors:
Aico, an Ei Company are the leader in home life safety, pioneering new technologies and offering high quality alarms, developed and manufactured in Ireland. All Aico alarms meet UK standards and offer a variety of sensor types to guarantee protection for every home, the cornerstone of which is delivering education, quality, service and innovation. In 2020, Aico expanded their Connected Home offering with the acquisition of leading Internet of Things (IoT) solutions provider, HomeLINK. HomeLINK leverages cutting edge smart home integration and analytics technologies, providing a complementary platform to present a synergistic approach to IoT.