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The final 2021 Development Partnership Forum will be largely based on development in London and the Midlands and topics include new partnership working, carbon reduction tools and post pandemic housing typologies. There will be a central feature on “Better Procurement for Better Homes ” outlining how The Housing Forum’s comprehensive guide can be used in public sector organisations to achieve better outcomes using the Vision Plan Checklist.


Welcome and introduction, Shelagh Grant, Chief Executive, The Housing Forum 

 10.00  Future Proofing Homes Feature – carbon reduction and new housing typologies 

Greg Moss, Partner, Residential Sector Lead, Hawkins\Brown on H\B:ERT – the carbon emissions reduction tool 

Brendan Kilpatrick, Senior Partner, PRP on re-integration through regeneration- Stevenage and Pydar – new typologies and post pandemic urban replanning 

10.20  Q & A 

10.30  Better Procurement for Better Homes’- applying The Housing Forum’s comprehensive guide to Procurement 

Matthew Goulcher, Managing Director, Levitt Bernstein and report author and chair 

10.50  Q & A 

11.00   Partnership Feature 

Chris Jones, Executive Director, Development, emh group 

11.20  Q & A 

11.30   Concludes 




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