How will the extensions to Brexit impact on the supply of housing when the long term reality is that more homes are needed to benefit local communities?


Brexit uncertainty is affecting activity in crucial areas such as housing and homelessness but what is within our control is to increase the right quality of housing supply.

Areas where the sector can succeed include local authorities and housing associations as developers, investment led or land led partnerships, increasing use of offsite manufacture and delivering quality both in building and in ensuring the correct maintenance regime.

Homes England are active in land interventions by investing through funding programmes and also by de-risking sites to unlock land. Their approach is to look at individual sites and see what is needed, applying a “toolkit” range of intervention and investment.

There is no shortage of land in the Sheffield City Region profile; and 68,000 plots have been identified but most are non-viable as they stand.

In Doncaster, the council have  delivered 1100 homes p.a. over the past four years, far exceeding the government figure of 585. In an area where margins are tight, help is needed on affordability – 20% has been achieved with intervention from Homes England.

Sites are assembled from HRA sources but not all are a perfect fit so Homes England have assisted with the acquisition and disposal of some sites.


Joanne Jamieson, Managing Director for the North and Midlands

United Living

Amanda Keeton, Senior Specialist - Accelerated Delivery

Homes England

Tony Stacey, Chief Executive

South Yorkshire Housing Association

Scott Cardwell, Assistant Director of Development

Doncaster Council

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