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This Forum featured research on the direct provision of housing by Local Authorities and funding models, the ‘Consumer Code’, housing quality, and an update on off-site manufacture.


Local authorities need financial advice on what funding they can use for new housing developments and how best to use the finance they have. There is an important role for CIPFA to play.

Local authorities should learn from best practice examples to understand what can be achieved and to overcome cultural and institutional caution. The Development Partnership Forum provides opportunities to share best practice and for local authorities to learn.

The research on delivery by local authorities will establish what they are currently doing and the issues that need to be addressed to enable them to develop themselves.

The house building industry needs to improve the quality of new homes to address customer dissatisfaction. This should be driven by Government policy and by the Consumer Code for Home Builders.

Off-site manufacture provides an opportunity to improve the quality of new homes and to address the construction industry’s biggest risk from a decreasing and ageing workforce. Its adoption should be gradual, with R&D, pilots and continual learning.

It will require changes in procurement to encourage early involvement of all the team, the adoption of BIM and design for manufacture.

Featured image: BPTW, Parkside

Professor Janice Morphet,


Tom Kenny, Policy Officer


Andrew Black, Director of Planning


Jamie Ratcliff, Assistant Director of Policy

Greater London Authority

Andy Von Bradsky, Chairman

The Housing Forum

Carol Brady MBE, Consumer Code Secretariat

Consumer Code for Home Builders

Kerry Heath, Development & Regeneration Director


Shenaz Virji, Senior Development Manager

North Hertfordshire Homes

Alan Wright, Partner – Architecture


Mark Farmer, Founder and CEO

Cast Consultancy

Luke Riley, Project Director

Swan Housing Group

Sarah Daly, Director, Strategic Sustainability & Partnerships

Sustainable Homes

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