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This region is growing fast and this Forum demonstrated what is required to build new communities that will be truly sustainable – unifying design code, investment in communities and jobs to a plan that preserves legacy and enhances the environment.


Alconbury Weald is a key strategic development in the East of England, about 80 miles from London and strategically located next to main transport links. It will provide 3 million square foot of bespoke commercial space, 5000 homes of mixed size, price and tenure and 700 acres of green open space over the next twenty years.

It has been master planned and developed by Urban&Civic working with partners and local communities around the site to deliver a high quality low carbon Enterprise Campus and investing in a range of transport, energy and community facilities to support both the new residents and the local town and surrounding villages.

Research has identified that the East of England has one of highest levels of local authority activity of all regions. Alconbury demonstrates building a new community from the outset through strategic planning, a local vision and a committed master developer.

Supply by existing providers can be increased using innovative partnerships and also through growth in community-led and local authority housing.

Featured image: Urban & Civic, Alconbury Weald
Urban and Civic

Andy von Bradsky, Chairman, The Housing Forum

Head of Architecture, MHCLG

Professor Janice Morphet,


Andrew Almond, Interim Lead Land and Planning

The Hyde Group - part of the Evera Homes Partnership

June Barnes, Non-Executive Director

Urban & Civic

Richard Blyth, Head of Policy


Charlotte Smith, Head of Placemaking

Hill Partnerships

Michael Richter, Director

Formation Architects

Alexis Butterfield, Associate Partner

Pollard Thomas Edwards

Tom Chance, Director

National CLT Network

Rebecca Britton, Communications, Communities and Partnerships

Urban & Civic

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