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The district of Wealden is situated on the south coast of England, in the county of EastSussex. Wealden is home to over 73,000 households and 160,000 people, with more than halfof these living in Wealden’s six main towns: Crowborough, Hailsham, Heathfield, Polegate,Uckfield, and Wadhurst. Wealden also hosts 8,600 businesses, including many small andmicro businesses, all of which form a fundamental part of Wealden’s economy. Covering 323square miles, Wealden is the largest district in East Sussex. Two-thirds of the district iscovered by an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and Ashdown Forest and part of the SouthDowns National Park lie within the Wealden boundaries. Wealden DC was formed on the 1 April1974 under the Local Government Act 1972 by a merger of Hailsham & Uckfield Rural DistrictCouncils. The Council is made up of 45 Councillors elected in 41 wards in the District.Wealden District Council is one of five lower tier local authorities within East Sussex, sittingalongside Eastbourne Borough Council, Hastings Borough Council, Lewes District Council andRother District Council. A wide range of services are offered by Wealden District Council to itsresidents and local businesses, including Council Tax, Environmental Health, Elections,Housing, Land Charges Leisure Services, Parking, Planning, and Waste and Recycling. Theseservices are provided through face-to-face contact, online access 24/7, on the phone, and inpartnership with other organisations.
Wealden District Council is a stock holding local authoritywith approximately 3000 homes predominantly for rent. Wealden DC is a Registered Providerand has been delivering new Council homes since 2014. To date Wealden DC has built oracquired 276 new Council homes for rent or shared ownership.